Table of contents
What standard registration types are there?
How to place an issue or checklist on a drawing.
How to find back to created registrations?
How are your tasks distributed?
What standard registration types are there?
This type is used to register certain quality deviations on the construction site.
RUH (Registration of adverse events)
Registrations of unwanted events are used if there has been damage to the building/personnel or there is a risk of a breach of the safety regulations on the construction site.
This type is used to check a number of points within a specific topic (often over time). Typically used when doing a quality check or controlling the safety of the construction site (safety round).
Question answer
Are there any questions about quality or safety on the construction site? Questions can be sent directly to the person in charge. Answers can be given directly back in the same registrations.
Note! These are standard types in Interaxo Field. These can have project-specific names and content.
How to create a registration?
A registration can be created from two different areas. Either from the front of the app or directly on the drawing.
Front page - By pressing "+ - create new" in the middle of the screen, the registration process starts. Drawing - At the top right there is a "+ icon". Tap on it to start the registration process.
(See below for an introduction to how the registration is placed on the drawing)
Create an Issue
After choosing the registration type lack and possibly choosing the location, it is time to give it information.
- Double-click the defect to open the registration
Click on the drawing name to show the location on the drawing.
(the part that will be visible in the report) - On the right, you can add one or more photos by pressing the "+ icon".
(either via the camera or loaded from your mobile device) - Add a comment by tapping the "+ icon".
Note! The parameters below are default values. Customer adaptations mean that their content may deviate from what is described below. Default parameters:
- Status - Specify where in the flow registrations are located.
- Deadline - When feedback is desired or the deficiency rectified.
- Responsible - Who is responsible for giving feedback or correcting the defect.
- Category - Enter the type of defect, e.g.: Delivery, installation, material, etc.
At the end of the registration, you will find the button Save and delete to complete or cancel the registration.
Create a checklist
After choosing the registration type checklist and possibly choosing a location, it is time to fill in the checklist.
- Double-click the checklist to open it.
Once inside, you can see all the checkpoints, and in some cases you'll see the signature section at the top. The signature section at the top must be filled in when the checklist is finished. Check with your IX Field admin who is responsible for signing these checklists.
- Each checkpoint has three options. You tap either: OK, NOT OK or N/A.
OK = Nothing to point out at this checkpoint.
NOT OK = An issue has been detected here. You are forwarded to fill out an issue. See above for how to fill this out.
NA = Not Applicable and removes the checkpoint from the checklist you are currently editing.
- During each checkpoint, you will also have access to take photos and make notes.
Photo = Photographically document something you think is relevant for the inspection. Will be attached as documentation to the checklist.
Note = An issue has been detected which is registered and processed.
At the end of the checklist you will find the Save and Delete button to complete or cancel the checklist.
Some checkpoints can be equipped with information about the checkpoint. For example, standards or a guide on how to complete the task. Click on the checkpoint title itself to see this information and it will take you to another view.
At the top of the checklist is a table that lets you see how many checkpoints are OK on the list and how many are missing.
Create a RUH
Registration of reporting of unwanted events (RUH) is always available on the front page to make it quick to register an incident to maintain safety on the construction site.
To easily register a RUH, you must:
- Report directly from the homepage by clicking on the RUH icon (a warning triangle)
- Choose whether you want to report anonymously or from your user.
- Add image, comment and parameters (same flow as lack, see above)
- Press save - the RUH will then be saved and automatically synchronized to the office
Create a Q&A
After choosing the registration type Question & Answer and possibly choosing a location, it is time to fill in the details. This type of registration is structured in the same way as a normal deficiency, but the comment field is replaced with a question field.
- Fill in your question and select the person in charge you want an answer from.
- Set a deadline.
- The answer section is not activated until the question is synchronized.
- Once your question is answered, change the status of the registration to "Answered".
Make sure you meet the deadlines as unanswered questions and answers will be clearly visible in meetings and in the app for everyone in the project.
How to place an issue or checklist on a drawing
When you place issues and checklists in drawings, you must first find the relevant subproject and the drawing where you want to place the them. Follow the steps below to complete a registration.
Select issue/checklist
- After entering the drawing, navigate around and find the correct area for placement.
- Click the "+ button" at the top right of the screen and then select the registration type.
- You will be sent back to the drawing.
- Tap your finger on the desired place on the drawing, and the placement is complete.
Choose angle, areas, and more..
Issues can have an arrow as a symbol that can point in the desired direction.
(Change the direction of the arrow by holding one finger on the mangle, while adjusting the direction by dragging the screen with another finger at the same time.)
Checklists and defects can be set up to support drawing areas where you can highlight parts of the drawing, these can be adjusted after selecting a location.
Fill in the issue/checklist
Double-click on the deficiency or checklist to enter and complete the registration. For the different registration types,
How to find back to created registrations?
The task tab is the most used and shows every single registration in the project (or that you have access to see). To find the inbox in the app, there is an icon at the bottom that illustrates a list.
To make it easier for the user to find a registration, the list is divided into single registrations and checklists. The lists will be short and clear.
Previously created registrations can also be found in other areas of the app. You can find completed filtering task lists via the front page of the app. They go by the names; "Delayed", "Assigned to me", "Created by me" and "Project overview". Here is an introduction to what the different lists show:
When you enter this list, you will only see registrations assigned to a user group you belong to where the status is anything but "Closed" and the deadline has been reached. (you cannot turn this on or off).
Assigned to me
Here you will be able to see registrations that are assigned to a user group you belong to and the status is anything but "Closed". This list does not take into account whether the registrations are late or not.
Created by me
This list shows registrations that have been created by the user who is logged in and whose status is anything but "Closed". This list does not take into account whether the registrations are late or not.
Project overview
Here you will have an overview of how many registrations have the status of "Open", all other statuses (In progress) and "Closed". Below you will have the same overview, but for each type (family). This list is a good way to manually search for some specific records.
How are your tasks distributed?
The tasks are divided into simple registrations and checklists.
To make it easier for the user to find a registration, the list is divided into simple registrations and checklists. The list will be short and clear. The filtering function can be used if the contents of the list need to be shortened more.
Filter function
Made by me - Functionality to filter the list view to only show registrations that you have created.
- Subproject - Filters based on which folder (subproject) the registration was created in.
- Type - Filter by what type of registration the user is looking for.
- Status - Filter based on the status of the registration or checklists.
- Responsible - Filter by subject/responsible person to find specific registration/checklist.
Sorting function
- Due date - The registration/checklist with the shortest time until the due date is displayed
at the top of the list. - Created (oldest) - The oldest registration/checklist is displayed at the top of the list.
- Created (newest) – The most recent registration/checklist is displayed at the top of the list.
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