Table of contents:
Sign in
When you are invited to Interaxo Feild you will receive an e-mail in which you must create your password. Your login name is your work email address that received this invitation.
How to log in:
- Write your e-mail.
- Enter your password.
- Press log in.
- Choose a project to work on (the list shows the projects you are invited to).
The invitation is created in Interaxo Field web. Talk to your project administrator.
Switch to another project
If you are already working on a project and want to switch to another:
- Click on the button with 3 lines in the top left corner.
- You will see a button called "change projects".
- A list of all the projects you are invited to now now appear.
- Click on the project you want to change to.
Reset password
You can easily reset your password if you have forgotten your current password.
Follow these steps:
- Go to the login page.
- Click on "forgot password?".
- Enter your email address.
- Click on "Request new password". Follow the steps in the email you received.
Log out
Log out by following these steps:
- Press the 3 lines in the top left corner.
- Press "log out".
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