Interaxo BIM Data can track changes to the data in the project and display this in reports. We recommend the following workflow for tracking changes in your project.
Tracking changes over time are done by taking snapshots of your data. This should correspond to deliveries or milestones in the project, and you can also choose to do this at a fixed time interval.
Below you can see a visualized example of this process over some time in a project. With this example we would like to emphasize the best practices of reporting and tracking changes over time.
On the left side you can see Packages 1-3 that represents three distinct groups of objects that we want to track separately. On top you can see Snapshots A-D taken over time in the project.
For example, Package 3 can be simple outer doors on the first floor, Snapshot A can be at the point where a door supplier gets chosen in the project while Snapshot D is when the final order for those types of doors gets ordered.
Below we explain what actions to take in Interaxo BIM Data to follow this example.
Packages, Grid Data and filters
In this example we have defined packages as a group of objects that we want to be able to report separately. This can easily be done by selection in the grid but the best way to do this is to create a parameter in the project called Package which can be filled with information about the package for repeated use in the project. This again can be used to filter the objects to quickly filter.
Tip: If you have a simple case where you would like to filter by level you can use the built in system parameters to do this.
Read more about search and filter options in the grid.
Snapshots stores the current state of the project and all its content, meaning that all objects, parameters and values are stored so that it can be used to compare changes between two snapshots. Each of the snapshots A to D will store all objects and their data.
Tip: Naming these snapshots something that is easy reuse later in the project. The date will always be displayed for each snapshot, so it is better to refer to a milestone, delivery or the package.
To read more about snapshots, follow this link.
Reports and changes
Exporting data from Interaxo BIM Data can be done in several ways, most projects use regular reports for their initial delivery (at Snapshot A in the example). This can be of each package separately or more commonly will contain objects from all packages.
When you would like to report on a group of objects and their changes, we recommend using the report including changes functionality. Following the example above to generate report for package 1 including changes we use Snapshot A and D for comparison. All objects in the package are included in the report and changes are highlighted as shown below.
If you would like to read more about creating reports look here, and for building report templates you can find more information here.
Changelog report on all changes in between two snapshots, for the given bookmark and parameters selected. It reports each object that has had some changed, new or deleted values for those parameters, meaning that it will not list objects without change. However, it does report on all changed objects. This means that, in our example, if there had been any change to the objects in package 3, they will be included in the changelog even if we compare snapshot B and D.
Since you select the parameters you would like to track changes to, you can be very specific to track some critical parameters of your own choosing. This could be the fire rating, type of door or the identification etc.
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