New release for BIMEYE and design tool clients
General improvements on BIMEYE web
- Metrics now available on the Project detail page for synced models
- Contains number of new, changed and deleted instances, types and rooms for each sync
- Resurrected objects will be fully updated on first sync after resurrection (previously, two syncings were required for this)
- Improvements related to deleting BIM models
- All objects belonging to the deleted model will be properly removed from Data grid
- Improvements made to deletion process of models so that no multiple deletes will occur
- When synchronizing only mapped parameter values will now be synced. This will increase the sync performance, especially on large models. It is now possible to send only properties for configuration and then only mapped parameter values. This will increase the sync performance, especially on large models
- Totally new models, or models that are re-associated to another BIMEYE model, should send all properties on first sync
- Syncs following the initial sync should only send mapped properties by default
Data Grid
- Improved speed and performance by reducing need for recreation of Data grid
- when deleting model
- when updating information about parameter, including projection parameter
Data and 3D
- Progress bar implemented for geometry upload
- It is now possible to cancel upload of 3D model geometry
- Added new system parameters, properties, categories for ArchiCAD and SimpleBIM
- Bugfix for System parameters - System parameters are all created when creating a new project
- Bugfix for rounding on parameter group items
- Bugfix for Copy project functionality and parameters configurated as Sync FROM BIMEYE
Project services and Permissions
- Permissions and their allocation are significantly faster
IFC models
- Added support for reassociation of new versions of IFC models that can replace previous synced versions. In BIMEYE we call this Transit models. Note that this must be turned on for each model if you wish to use this feature.
Release Design Tool Clients 3.5.1
- BIMEYE model reservation on association. Support for unreserve before first sync
- Metadata sync performance improvement by sending only mapped property values
- Automatic client log upload on metadata sync error
- Support for numeric parameter validation in BIMEYE parameter panels
- Bugfix of boolean parameter display in BIMEYE parameter panel
- Added support for BIMEYE ID editing in BIMEYE parameter panel, including lookup for expired objects
- Added support for 3D room views/images.
- Lookup dialog with expired objects in BIMEYE parameter panel.
- Default boolean value fix - added code to handle unassigned state in Revit, displayed as checked
- Bugfix of boolean parameter display in BIMEYE parameter panel
- Fixed problem with view creation dialogs sometimes going behind Revit main dialog
- Log cleanup - removed unnecessary logging of properties not being updated
- Added support for reassociation of new versions of IFC models that can replace previous synced versions. In BIMEYE we call this Transit models. Note that this must be turned on for the model by the user
- Disabled 3D geometry sync before at least one metadata sync has been made
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