Parameters works as the main way of displaying information in Interaxo BIM Data either connected to parameters to different categories in models or on thier own.
For information and help regarding grouping of parameters please see Parameter groups.
Note Archicad! Archicad Properties with Expressions cant be sent to Interaxo BIM Data directly. You have to map those to a IFC-property to able to sync that IFC-property to Interaxo BIM Data.
Click on Parameters to go to the Active Parameters page.
Alternatively hover over the 'Projects' button (when you are in another function in the project) and a menu will appear, click on 'Parameters'
Overview of Active Parameters.
A:Create new parameter. See "How to create a new parameter.".
B: Parameter type selection for the grid.
C:Grid view of parameters.
D:Column picker select and order columns in the grid.
E:Edit button for the parameter. See "How to edit an parameter.".
How to create a new parameter.
2. Click Create.
In addition to creating single parameter you can create multiple parameters at once from available model properties.
3. Select parameter type and name
Select a parameter type in the drop down list and give the parameter a name.
4. Choose option
Select one of the options by using the radio buttons and follow the given instructions.
Start from model - Create a parameter by selecting a model property that exists in the model and inherit most of the settings from the model property configuration.
Start from existing parameter - Gives you an option to create a similar parameter to one that already exists. It will inherit and get the same settings as the existing parameter.
Create custom parameter - Create a parameter with all settings from scratch and define if the parameter is available in Interaxo BIM Data only or to be created as a custom property in the model.
5. Sync configuration
Set the desirable sync configuration by using the drop down lists given. By clicking on each configuration property a list of descriptions will appear on the right in blue.
Sync direction:
Sync configuration defines the synchronization direction (from or to Interaxo BIM Data) and connections between the parameters and properties.
Disabled - Creates a parameter available in Interaxo BIM Data only.
Sync to Bimeye - Synchronize values from the model to Interaxo BIM Data.
Sync from Bimeye - Synchronize values from Interaxo BIM Data to the model.
If the parameter is set to either Sync from Bimeye or Sync to Bimeye, it cannot be changed to disabled later.
Read only:
Yes - value is not editable in Interaxo BIM Data (Yes is the default setting on parameters synced to Interaxo BIM Data).
No - value is editable in Interaxo BIM Data.
Model property definition:
Model property definition indicates property behavior. It can be Normal, Readonly, Invisible, Readonly invisible and None.
Normal - accessible and editable by the user, can be bound to the Interaxo BIM Data parameter.
Readonly - visible but not editable by the user, can be bound to the Interaxo BIM Data parameter.
Readonly & invisible - important for the sync process but are not accessible and editable by the user.
Invisible - important for the sync process but are not accessible and editable by the user.
None - no model property is associated with the Interaxo BIM Data parameter. That means sync direction is set as Disabled.
Create in model:
Yes - Creates parameter as property in the model
No - Don't create parameter as a property in the model
6. Set
Next select the different settings for the value that the parameters holds. By clicking on each configuration property a list of descriptions will show up on the right in blue.
Value type:
Normal - Normal values are ordinary editable values.
Replace values from model - Replacing the values from model means that the values that come from the model are displayed in Interaxo BIM Data grid by their alternate values.
If set to 'Replacing values' a new tab appears after you have finished configuring the parameter. Where you can set which value to replace.
Lookup - Lookup values represent a predefined and limited list of values that can be set on objects. This is usually set on parameters that are not synced to Interaxo BIM Data.
Calculation - Calculation value type represents a read-only parameter that stores an automatically generated URL based on a user-defined formula that can contain one or more project parameters. Read more here.
Data type:
Represents which kind of data the parameter can store and display ranging from text to numbers or even URLs.
Boolean - Usually used as combination of Yes/No or True/False. In numerical terms 1 or 0.
Integer - Integer data type is used to store whole numbers.
Double - Double data type is used to store decimal numbers.
Text - Text data type is used to story any textual data.
Measure - Dimensions, length, etc.
URL - URL data type is used to store text in a form of URL.
Text_multiline - Text_multiline data type is used to story any textual data in multiline format.
Note! If you choose the parameter to have 'Data type' Text_Multiline, it cannot be sent to or from the model.
Measure unit:
This section defines how the values from model are used and displayed in Interaxo BIM Data.
Unitless - Unitless is used to indicate that the parameter's data type has no measure unit.
Length - Length measure unit is used to display any length value as length, height, width, etc.
Area - Area measure unit is used to display a calculated surface area of an object or one of it's surfaces.
Volume - Volume measure unit is used to display a volume of an object.
Mass - Mass volume unit is used to display a mass of an object.
Can copy:
Can copy defines whether values of the parameter can be copied or not in the grid between the objects.
Custom tooltip:
You can add a custom tooltip (description) on the parameter that will be visible in the grid when you hover over the parameter.
Show total:
Show total gives a sum presented in the grid for a numerical parameter. Data type for the parameter can be Integer, Double or Measure. Other Data types disables the function "Show total" and sets it to No.
7. Select categories
Select which model categories that the new parameter are connected to by using the checkboxes. This is a smart part, properties that must be present on one or more categories of objects can be optimized here.
8. Complete
Finally click Complete.
Parameter projection
To be able to see information in Object type grid and create reports with information above the Object type (Instance, Type, Room, Level, Building) you can make a projection to the selected Object types in the hierarchy.
As an example, let's say that in Interaxo BIM Data you want to set your own values on a parameter at Object type Level. You can then project these values to Room and Instance as in the picture below and see them in an Instance grid and include them in a report for instances.
Tip! Use projection to know which model (Building parameters(Project information in model)) or level etc your object belongs to.
Note! You can not have the same name of the Projection Parameter on the different Object types
How to edit an parameter.
1. Press the Edit parameter button in the grid.
2. Information.
Here you can change the name of the parameter.
Select parameter type and name.
Here you can change the name of the parameter. You can not change the Parameter type. You must then create a new parameter with that type.
Sync configuration.
Here you can change the sync direction and settings regarding sync.
If the parameter is set to either Sync from Bimeye or Sync to Bimeye, it cannot be changed to disabled later.
- Set.
Change if the parameter is of type Normal, Replace values from model or Lookup.
3. Categories.
In this tab you can select and deselect what kind of object categories the parameter should exist on.
4. Properties.
Here you change which of the model properties the parameter is syncing to or from depending of the selected sync direction.
Note! Video may differ slightly with current version of Interaxo BIM Data web.
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