Which Interaxo module does the inquiry refer to?
'SUPPORT ticket' for user support. 'FEATURE REQUEST' for suggestions of new or changed functionality.
Brief title of submitted case
Name of the project:: Interaxo Project = room name ... Interaxo Field = Project ... Interaxo BIM Data = Projects.
All prices are in NOK
Add how many exports you want
Delivery method, USB 2.000,- NOK, shipping cost in addition. For digital delivery, we will send you a link that is active a set number of days.
If more than 1 room is exported; Do you want the rooms pooled on 1 USB, or separated on 1 USB for each room?
Extra copies of the same room? (separate USBs)
Link to one or more rooms to be exported.
The export can be restricted to a role from the room, so that only the content that role has access to is exported, for instance if sub-supplier wants an export of their involvment in the project. (blank field will be exported as room admin)
Invoice address, and any invoice marking / PO.
Door / Room / etc.
Please add more details about your request
How will the feature contribute to a more effective and better process?