We now auto save all your changes in the app and have added annotations, improved downloads and favorite parameters in the 3D-viewer.
Read about Autosave first and the changes it brings to the behavior of the app:
All data will be saved on the go and we have simplified the flow for registrations and updates:
New registrations
- Click "Save" at the bottom menu to confirm
- Click "Delete" to remove the whole registration
- Sync
Update existing registrations
- Do your changes
- Click the top left "back" button when finished
- Sync
Phone or app crash
- If your phone or app crashes before clicking "Save"
- Open the registration and continue your work
- Sync
- Updates
- Open the registration and continue your work
- Sync
Annotate and redmark photos to highlight and explain errors on top of the photo.
Take your photo, confirm
Back in your registration, click "edit" above the photo
Improved downloads
- When on Wifi - any connected 3D-model to the drawing will be automatically downloaded
- No extra question pop ups if you download a PDF-drawing when clicking it.
Search and favorite for object parameters
In the 3D viewer you easily search for your parameters, and make any of them easy accessible at top of the list by marking them as favorite.
Checklist information
Responsible, due date and other main information connected to the checklist is now moved to the first page for faster access and opening for having the same registration flows cross issues and checklists.
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