File naming:
The file naming functionality has been improved for custom file name rules that includes a list field with description. Instead of adding both value and description of the list field to the file name, we now only use the Value in the file name.
BIM Viewer/Model Based Issues
- You can now use groups in the AssignedTo field for Model Based Issues.
- You can now filter on the AssignedTo field for Model Based Issues, in addition to the status.
- Links in IFC files are now clickable.
- IFC files are now processed for viewing directly after upload, as opposed to when you click "view" for the first time. This will give a better user experience. Please note the the processing may still take some minutes after the upload as we still have to process the file.
Pencil icon added for the Edit button:
A pencil icon has been added to the Edit button to make it more clear to users that this is an edit button. In folders with the Revise functionality enabled, the names in Norwegian for the Edit /Rediger) button and the Revise (Revider) button is almost the same, and many customers has clicked Revider instead of Rediger, which creates extra work for our support department to correct.
Bug fixes
Interaxo Project Administration:
- Fixed the drop down for selecting groups, which was located too far down to work properly for users far down on the list. The group selector will now work properly for all members in the list.
- Fixed the URL to the Help Center from IX Admin.
Active folders:
- Fixed the logging for check out/ check in of files in the entry log, so it's only logged that the file has been updated when/if it's checked in.
- Fixed the logging to the entry log when using the remove owner functionality so it's not logged twice.
- Fixed the archive functionality to give users an error message when they try to archive an entry with checked out files.
- Fixed the issue for users that added a field as "Publish comment" and saved this, and thereafter refreshed the page, so they don't experience that the field they selected as "Publish comment" is not visible. Before they had to navigate away from the folder and back again to see this field again in the settings, and if they saved when it was not visible, the value was overwritten with a blank value.
- Fixed the issue with the step counter so it is updated after import of entries.
- Fixed the issue with import of files, where the red frame around mandatory fields that were not correct or blank, disappeared after you clicked to update on the first field and the users themselves had to remember the other mandatory fields that needed to be updated before they could import. Now the red frame is kept around a mandatory field until a valid value is added.
- Fixed the issue when users exported entries to several pdf files and selected to save the resulting .zip file in Interaxo project, so this file will work as any other file - version number should be shown and it should be possible to rename it.
Revise and publish:
- Added an error message to users that tries to revise or publish an entry containing checked out files.
Visual Boards:
- Fixed so it's not created duplicates if a user double clicks when saving a question (Firefox).
- Fixed the issue when clicking Back from a question, so that you are not returned longer down on the list than the question you opened is.
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