Termination is done via our Termination form.
When filling in the form, there is also the option to order the export of rooms. See an overview of what is included in an Export of rooms from the Interaxo Project.
Information about fields in the form
E-mail address
If this field appears in the form, press "log in" at the top right corner.
As of today, it is possible to order the termination of Interaxo Project, Interaxo BIM data, Interaxo Field and Apricon, through the form.
Select the type of inquiry from the list.
Make sure "Termination" is selected.
This is the subject the email/case will receive. Feel free to add the title "Termination, if it is not already automatically filled in via the link.
Project number
Enter the project number of the agreement you wish to cancel. You can find this number on the last invoice from us. The number is 5 digits long and starts at 1 for Norwegian agreements and 6 for Swedish agreements.
Name of Work Area / Account / Company
Interaxo Project: Name of the work area. Can be found in the Administration window, under 'Workspaces and Rooms' in the left menu, and in the 'Workspace' column.
Interaxo Field: Which company is the project under.
Interaxo BIM data: Which Company is the project under.
Company name
The name of the company that "owns" the agreement.
The name of the person terminating the agreement.
Telephone number (mobile)
If we have follow-up questions regarding the termination (possibly export), we may contact you on this number.
Wants export in connection with termination
If a "backup" is desired in the form of an export made by us, select yes in this field. Further information on exports can be found here.
Additional information
If there is any additional information or something that is unclear, please write it here.
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