New release for Bimeye Web and Design Tool Clients
New Features and Improvements
Improved Sync Process
- The sync process has been improved. The new methods will reduce the synctime significantly. It has most effect after the first sync has been done since only altered objects compared to the previous sync will be changed in Bimeye. During the initial part of the process the design tool can be locked longer than before but the total sync time will be reduced.
- To benefit from speed improvements in the new sync process DTC version 30.13.1 or later is required. Previous version of DTC will still work as before. Download new versions here
Grid Filter
- Some UI adjustments are made in the Grid Filter before you enter the Data Grid. Most notably is the renaming of what we earlier also called Grid Filter to Category Collection as it is a list of BIM Categories which is used to filter the data
Room & REQ
- When severalrooms are selected in the grid, a counter on the delete button shows how many rooms will be affected by the action
Bug fixes
Excel Import
- Validation for data type when updating items from Excel
- Fix for import of items with double or measure parameters that has rounding
- Fix for import of value "0" to parameter group items and Lookup values in Parameter detail page
- When creating a Category collection, the user can set it to be Private or Public. If the Category Collection is used in a Bookmark, when the user tries to set it from Public to Private they will get a message that this cannot be done until all Bookmarks that are using this Category Collection are deleted before this can be changed
- Deleting a Category Collection is disabled if it’s used in a Bookmark and Bimeye now gives feedback to the user if this is the case
- Create Bookmark is disabled if the Skip option in Grid Filter has been used. Please use a Category Collection to create new Bookmarks
- Editing model selection/Object States no longer cause the previous column selection to be lost
- Bookmarks can now be edited only by users with proper permissions, which is the creator and administrators for public Bookmarks. Private ones will never be visible or possible to change by others than the creator
- Bookmarks in Data & 3D view includes the Object State
- Fix for edit Bookmark name so it updates correctly after editing
- Only creators and administrators are now able to update/delete public 3D views
- Revisions and Changelog report UI adjusted to match the new Bookmarks
- Report template details are now updated correct according to chosen report type
- Edit parameter from Data & 3D view now links to correct Parameter detail page.
- Custom permission groups can now have same name in different projects belonging to same company
- If a user don´t have permission to Add room or edit system parameter groups, the buttons are disabled with a tooltip explaining why
Design Tool Clients
New Features and Improvements
Improved Sync
- As described above the synchronization process has been improved so that only objects that have been changed compared to the last sync will be changed in Bimeye, which means the fewer the changes the faster the sync will be compared to before these changes
Bug Fixes for Revit
- Fixed an error where hidden parameters in the project information was causing the sync to stop working
- Fixed some incorrect behavior in the Group editor in Revit updates all instances of objects in the group with identical values, causing new BIMEYE IDs gets generated for already existing objects
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