New release for Bimeye Web
New Features and Improvements
Project Template
- Start from existing project and template is improved and option to include/copyItems, Subitems, Lookupvalues and Valuelists values are added
3D Visualization
- Color objects by parameter values is now available in 3D view
- For parameters with stored Valuelists or Lookup parameters it is now possible generate or manuallyadd a color on each value. These colors can be used to graphically show the different values for each instance and room type objects in 3D.
Room & REQ
- Improvements to the Copy function between Rooms
- In the Room data grid, it is now possible to Copydata between Rooms includingparametergroups with items
- First, select one Room to copy from and then select one or more Rooms to paste the data to and select what you want to copy and paste.
On first tab you can select parameters to copy and on second tab you can select Parametergroups with Items (leading parameters) including System Parameter groups like Materials and Objects - Note! To be able to copy customaddedparameters groups and items you need configure to support that in the parameter settings with the Can Copy option set to Yes
- Improvements allow users to usemodeldatanotaffected by a single sync
- When a sync is done only the synced model data is recreated and other models remains available during and after the sync process. You can view the model data and do simple changes to the object data after a sync of another model is recreating the data grid.
- Syncdate and expireddate is now possible to show as columns in datagrid
- Objects’ last sync date and when it was expired from the model (deleted) is now possible to show in the data grid
Bug fixes
- Fixed a scenario that could make values synced from model appear as unmapped properties in the grid for some objects. This could occur if there are two (or more) Sync-to-Bimeye parameters and one of them is a Lookup-type but the list of lookup-values is empty AND there are the same values used in a different property in the model. We do not recommend our users to configure parameters synced from model to Bimeye as Lookup parameters since it will not in any way control the value options from the model, note that you should be careful of this also when changing the sync direction
- Validation added when importing from excel to Integer-Parameters to make sure no other value types can be imported
- Parameter names containing dot (.) are now accepted when uploading report template.
- Images size in reports can now be controlled by both Width and Height.
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