If there is a need for a formal signature/approval of who has approved/ moved an entry from one step to another, you can activate the functionality for "Approval" in an active folder with workflow, e.g. in a more formal process such as Variation Order.
When approval is activated, you can select dedicated members that can approve an entry. Upon approval, the name of the person/s who approved will be written to an approval field, and when the last member has approved, the date of final approval is written to the entry and it is moved to the next step in the approval process. All approvals will also be logged to the entry log.
Activate approval
Approval can be used in active folders with workflow, and must be activated for the individual folder. This is done by
- open Settings for the folder
- enable Approval under the General tab and
- configure the setup for the Approval tab
(this tab is only available if the functionality is activated)
The following settings must be made:
- Select approvers: Select room members who should be able to click the Approve button to approve. It is only possible to select individual members, not groups. Administrators must be selected to act as approvers.
- Select step to approve from: Select one step in the workflow as the approval step. The Approve button will only be visible when entries are in the selected step.
Approve an entry
In the step selected as the Approval step, the button Approve will be visible for members selected as approvers. For other members it will be greyed out and this applies to Administrators as well. The button is visible when right-clicking on an entry or when one or more entries are selected in a step, and inside an entry. If it has been selected on the step that entries must have attachments in order to be moved from there, the Approve button will be greyed out for entries without attachments.
When the button is clicked the following will happen:
- You will get the message "You are now approving the entry(ies) and it will be logged that the entry is approved by you. Click "Ok" to confirm.". If you have already approved, you will get the message: "You have already approved."
- When you click OK to confirm, your name is written to the Approved by field and the date and time of the approval is written to the entry log (Action Approved).
- If you are the last member to approve, or if the folder only has one approver, then the same happens as above. In addition, the date and time are written to the Approved field and the entry is moved to the next step in the workflow. In the entry log, you can also see the action Approved by all, which contains information about who has approved, when the last member approved and the steps the entry was moved from and to.
- Entry and any attachments are locked if it is selected on the receiving step that entries are to be locked.
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