You start by creating the project either from a previous project or you have created one that will be a template for the next one. By selecting "Create custom project" you start a project that is empty of configuration except for the system parameters that are always found in a project. By selecting "Start from Template" you can create projects from Interaxo BIM Data standard templates. To be able to create new projects, you must have the rights set for it in Interaxo BIM Data.
When creating templates, you may consider that several categories may be used in future projects. Several categories can be, for example, that your template is prepared for handling doors, furniture/equipment, room description and, for example, electrical fixtures.
Create a project
Click on "Projects" in the main navigation.
In the projects section all active projects in the company will appear. In order to create a new project click "Create project".
How to create a new Project from your template
1. Click "Start from existing project". Set the name and select the project to start from by scrolling or searching for the project name. A project here can be an existing project or your created projects acting as template(s) to start from. Project names can be changed later in the project settings if you wish.
2. Click "Next".
3. Select the configurations you want to copy from the template project by multiple choice.
Some of the choices are dependent on others and are otherwise grayed out if they require another.
Explanation of parts to copy with for your new project.
Categories - Categories are always copied when using start from project or copy from template.
Parameters - If you do not check Parameters to be copied, your copied project will only include system parameters.
Parameter groups, subgroups - Parameter groups cannot be copied unless Parameters are checked and copied, in order for them to work correctly (Depending on the choice of Parameters).
Model names – Copy model names as placeholders. Assign models to them in the new project from your Design Tool Client.
Permission groups – Permission groups including permission settings cannot be copied unless Model names and Parameter groups are checked.
Bookmarks - Copies public bookmarks to the new project. Parameters, Parameter Groups and Model names all must be copied in order to copy Bookmarks. Note that after the first sync you will have to resave the bookmark to include the new levels of the models.
Items, subitems - Copies item and subitem lists. Parameters and Parameter Groups are needed.
Lookup values, value lists and status settings - Copy value options for lookup & value list parameters and copy the project’s milestones. Parameters and Parameter Groups are needed.
Tags - Copy image tags if you want to have the same tags, usually needed for report templates.
Rooms - Copy rooms created in Interaxo BIM Data with values and Items attached like Materials and Objects. Needs Parameters, Parameter Groups and Items & subitems.
Report templates - Copy the report templates to be reused in the new project.
Unit configuration - Copy unit configuration to the new project.
4. Click "Next".
5. If your template does not contain Model names or if you did not select this when copying, click "Create models" otherwise click "Complete".
6. If assigning a name to the a model. This is the name that will appear in the design tool client when linking the model to Interaxo BIM Data. The name you choose can be changed later. It is customary to use the same name according to the naming convention in the project's manual.
Click "Save".
7. Click "Complete". The new project will now be created.
How to create a new Custom project
1. Select and enter desired Name.
Already here, you can select the Use phases option if you already know that the project will use Revit phases in the project. Including the different phases and the relationship to rooms in different phases, can be changed in the project's settings later.
2. Click "Next".
Selection of Categories by presets
(Explanation of how to create custom presets further down)
3. Choose Categories. The selection can be done with presets.
4. Click .
Selection of Categories manually
3. Choose Categories by multiple choice. Click to assign the selected Categories to the project. Use the in order to search for Categories.
The assigned Categories are shown here. By clicking the Category of choice can be deleted.
4. Click .
Note! When you manually select categories, in addition to the category of objects you are interested in, there should always be the categories: BuildingStoreys, Internal_Building, Spaces_Room. These categories hold on to the relationships between objects and must always be part of a Interaxo BIM Data project. |
5. Click .
6. Assign a name to the model. This is the name that will appear in the design tool client when linking the model to Interaxo BIM Data. Recommendation: specify the file format (rvt/ifc/pla) in the Model name. Click .
7. Click . The new project is now created.
How to create a Category preset
Custom presets in Step 2 can be reused when creating a new project.
1. Click .
2. Assign a name to the preset and click .
3. Choose Categories. Click to assign the selected Categories to the project. Use the in order to search for Categories.
The assigned Categories are shown here. By clicking the Category of choice can be deleted.
How to edit a preset
To edit an existing preset, select it and click .
How to duplicate a preset
To duplicate an existing preset, select it and click . Then assign a new name to the duplicated preset.
How to delete a preset
To delete an custom preset click . The selected preset will permanently be erased.
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