Access data
To the right in the upper part you will find "Actions". Here you will find the parts in Interaxo BIM Data that handle Interaxo BIM Data. Your rights in the project control which functions you can use.
Under the buttons "Data grid view" or "Data & 3D" you can access the data for the objects synced to Interaxo BIM Data.
"Data & 3D" is a combined view with both data and how this is connected to the 3D models' objects if synced.
When you have pressed "Data grid view", you will come to "Grid filter" where the project has defined some "Bookmarks"for different purposes. For example, a filter for all rooms or one for all doors etc.
Choose a "Bookmark" as you like (you can always change later "Bookmark" whenever you want in the matrix view).
You have now reached the matrix with information that you have selected. The bookmark now shows the selection as it is set in terms of both objects from one or more models and a selection of parameters that you can use to search for objects that you want to see information or update information if you have rights to do this (all or part of the information).
Search, Grouped and Sort
When you want to sort ascending or descending a column, click on the name of the parameter in the column. If you click again, you change the sorting direction. If you hold down the Shift key when you click on the next column, it becomes the next one to sort by, etc. You can thus sort in several levels.
You can also click the button next to the parameter name to sort.
Enter the value you want to search for in the column's search box. The lines are filtered immediately when you start typing. If the text you write is included somewhere in the value, the object is filtered on this.
You can also search by exact value by clicking the down arrow in the search box and selecting Explicit. Here you can also do negative searches and eg Multi search. With Multi search you can search for several different values by typing them to be separated.
Edit data
By clicking on the "pen" on the left side of the line, you can edit the information on the object.
Edit data, many
By selecting several, you can update the information on several objects at the same time.
Select all pre-filtered by clicking in 'Select / Deselect all' and click on the 'Edit' button.
You can freely select objects by clicking in the box in front of the object. You can use Shift-down to select all objects between two objects.
Note that in the 'Object detail' dialog, Interaxo BIM Data notifies that several are selected.
If you are simultaneously grouping a grid on a value, there is an arrow to expand the group to see content. If you have one or more grouped rows expanded and marked with 'Select / Deselect all', only the expanded, visible objects are selected.
Where value differs it says 'Diff values'.
Edit grouped data
By editing a grouped line, you can update the information on several objects at the same time. In parentheses directly to the right of the value, you see how many objects belong to the group. When you edit, you edit these two.
Note that in the 'Object detail' dialog, Interaxo BIM Data notifies that several are selected.
Where value differs it says 'Diff values'.
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