Images from Revit Design Tool Client
With the Create Views feature in the design client under Images, you can create views (plan and elevations) then export them as images to Interaxo BIM Data with Create and Upload Images.
Your View Templates let you control the view and detail in the views. When uploading, you can choose whether to save the views in the model or erase after upload and delete orphaned views (views that have no connection to an object). You can add the views with details, dimensions, or annotations and then update the images.
Article about Create images with Linked models.
TIP! If you select one or a few objects, views are created only for the selected objects. Same goes for when creating and uploading images.
To be able to create views, at least one View Template is needed for each view type. Create a View Template for Plan view that matches the look you want plus a View Template for the Elevation. You can adjust your view template afterwards or switch to another as standard Revit views are created.
Create Image Views
For most objects in Revit, you can create views based on the object's extent like floor views and elevation views. For rooms 3D views are also possible to create.
Categories for View Generation
Select one ore more categories that you want to create views for.
View naming
Copy From: Copy settings from other category.
Naming: Defines what name the views should have when the function creates views from the objects. The name is created based on a parameter on the object. If the parameters have a unique value, the views are given the same name. If the value is not unique, the function sets BIMEYE ID to the view name to be able to generate views (Revit requires that views have unique names).
Edit: Here it is possible to build the view name based on parameters on the object (object category) you have selected. One or more parameters can build the view name.
Note! In Windows, you can not save files / images containing these characters in the file name "*: <>? / \ |". Views that are exported as images to Interaxo BIM Data can not therefore have names that contain these characters!
Plan views and Elevation views
You can create views based on the object's extent plus an offset.
Plan views: Choose if Plan view will be created, Choose view template to apply and Margin in millimeter from extents of object (see pic).
Elevation views: Choose if Elevation view will be created, Choose view template to apply, choose view rotation (0=opening side always down) and Margin in millimeter from extents of object (see pic).
Note that images for roof-based windows will not include an elevation view for those kinds of windows.
Rooms 3D views
Choose if 3D views will created (tab 3D views only visible when choosen catagory space_room in "Selected categories"), Choose view template to apply and Margin in millimeter from extents of object (see pic).
View orientation: Orients view standard 45 degrees from room extents in plan and elevation.
View rotaion: User set view rotation. TIP!, test Azimuth 30 and Altitude -60 as a often good view for rooms.
Link existing views
With this function it is possible to link manually created views to objects' system tags. This can be used if there are views available already in the model.
First select an object and then Link existing views.
In the dialog you can select a view from the list of available views. Note that a single view can only be linked to one object for one view type.
If you need to unlink a view you can do so by clicking the unlink icon next to the view
Create and Upload Images
View Types
Which created views you want to upload as images.
Image Settings
Zoom to: Export image with Zoom to for presenting pictures in report in scale.
Image Size: Because of the only possibility in Revit to export images of the views, you need to decide how detailed the image should be.
For images with lines require often many pixels. Choose Custom and set 2000-3000 pixels (depending of size of picture on a report) for good experience. Note! Large pictures take longer to export from Revit.
Delete views after image creation: This option removes all views after image creation. If you wish, at any time create new views of the object, to object to such relocated geographically, creating new views next time an image is uploaded.
Delete orphaned views: This allows you to delete views that are no longer related to an object.
Updating images
If you have made changes to the views you previously created images for you will need to create and re-upload images to get the changes available in Interaxo BIM Data.
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