Model Compare
Model Compare is a tool enabling users to compare 2 versions of one or multiple models. Activating model compare, runs through all the metadata and geometry changes between the loaded and a selected version and displays the data results in a new Model Compare Analysis panel. The panel categorizes these changes as Added, Modified and Deleted objects. At the same time, the same changes are reflected in the 3D geometry by coloring and isolating the changed objects accordingly.
To start using Model Compare tool, open an ifc model that contains multiple versions in the viewer. The newest version will be loaded by default and next to all remaining versions, there will now be a new button for enabling model compare.
NOTE! Comparing works between any 2 versions per model.
Comparing the differences between the loaded and the selected version will start and you will see a progress bar that shows the percentage and the status of comparing.
NOTE! Please note that comparing versions for the first time might take longer, but after that, the results of model compare will be shown in the panel immediately after Model Compare is enabled.
When comparing is done, the results will list all objects that are different as Added (new), Modified and Deleted (missing) and in the geometry the changed objects will be colored and isolated while the Model Compare tool is enabled.
Each dropdown shows the objects by their Type names and ID’s as well as the total number of changed objects within the parenthesis.
Selecting objects in the panel and in the 3D works both ways, and will highlight the objects both in the panel and the geometry.
NOTE! To multi-select or deselect objects in the 3D and in the panel, use CTRL+Click or SHIFT+Click.
Same as with any selected objects, you can use the model compare results to isolate or hide specific elements, to cut around a selection, etc.
To see the full model again (restore), simply disable the Model Compare tool using the upper right button in the Analysis panel or clicking on the Compare button in Versions panel again. This will restore to the model that was previously loaded.
In cases when two versions are the same or if comparing fails, you will be notified about it in the Model Compare panel.
IMPORTANT! Please keep in mind that the results depend on the ifc file export and might sometimes impact how the results are shown in model compare.
Images in comments
In all comments, you can now choose to add photos or screenshots. During a discussion, a picture will often help to make your comment clearer to other members.
Add images by using either:
- drag & drop or
- copy & paste or
- by clicking the Insert/edit image button in the tool bar:
- Click the Upload button in the popup
- Click the Browse For An Image button and select an image
- Click the Save button to add the image as a thumbnail to the comment
All images are saved as small thumbnails by default. But by clicking on them, they will open up in full scale.
Improvements released during last month
Visual Board
- Separate column in list view that shows the date / time for when a question is concluded. This is set automatically when the question is moved to the Decision log and locked.
- Export directly from list view to CSV. The export will include either everything that is visible in the list (also works with a filter) or the rows you have selected.
- Visual Board now follows the settings set in Interaxo Project when it comes to who can move from a step
Interaxo Project
Previously a file is checked in automatically with online edit without any dialogue where you are able to add a comment to the file version. Now you will be able to write a comment, similar to when you add a new version manually.
- In member fields you can now drag and drop members to rearrange the order it will be presented.
- Rich text editor in Interaxo Project now gets improved formatting options with, among other things, color of text
- The instruction field will now expand to include most of the information that our customers use this field for
- You no longer need to post an extra comment when trying to unlock an entry
- When you try to delete a custom field in an active folder, you get a confirmation message that contains a reference to the field name you are trying to delete
- The speed of loading my rooms on the home page is greatly improved
- Date Search is available in Advanced Search in Active Folders
- Auto number and DocID now follow the order in grid when importing
- You can import list fields that contain only values and not descriptions
- Distribution groups
- As a room administrator you will now be able to see which members have both been added in the usual way and at the same time been added via a distribution group
- The default role will be Observer when adding a distribution group to a room
- You can add and delete distribution groups from room groups to distribute members to the room groups
- In the overview of room groups (list view) you now see which distribution groups have been added as subgroups
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