Possibility to activate notification to members when they are added to a member field
New setting on member fields, "Send notifications to chosen members", which is available in all active folders for member fields. The setting is default off, but you can choose to use it.
When you create an entry a notification is sent to all active members in this field, it could be single members or groups. When the entry is changed, notifications are only sent to members that are new added members. In the log you can see which member notification is sent to.
When you create an entry a notification is sent to all active members in this field, it could be single members or groups. When the entry is changed, notifications are only sent to members that are new added members. In the log you can see which member notification is sent to.
The notification will be sent on the language the member has on their profile and you will see all members that has received the notfication in the email
Deactivated members
In all member fields, both under setting and administration, and in activ use inside Interaxo Project, all deactivated members will be marked with "Deactivated" and they will appear in the bottom of all lists.
Visual Bord - Open/View comments from list view
In all lists you will now see how many comments that exist on every question cards and by expanded the list you will be abled to read the comment without opening it i card view.
Visual Board - time stamp when updating comments
By updating comments it will now show both date and time for the update.
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