Streaming in Interaxo Project
As of SkyViewer version 22.0.0 release in Interaxo Project , users will be able to stream their models in the viewer, making the overall performance much faster.
After uploading IFC files in Interaxo Project , the files are being converted and processed for streaming. If processing is in progress, the users will still be able to load the models as files until the processing is done.
IMPORTANT! Old models will be automatically queued for processing and they will be available for loading as files until they’re ready for streaming.
The same warning button will be available in cases when processing for streaming fails or some other errors occur.
Until the model is processed, users can load the model s file
Once the model is ready for streaming, the ‘Load’ button will change to ‘Streaming’.
Selecting the ‘Stream’ button will start streaming the model and the progress bar (top right) will show the streaming status.
As the users navigate through the model, the green occlusion boxes will show objects that are being loaded. This feature can be disabled from the Settings panel in the bottom toolbar.
You can also disable streaming from the Settings panel, which will simply load the models as files (as it worked before) instead of streaming.
NOTE! This change will be applied after removing the model from the viewer.
Filter feature in Interaxo Project
With the release of SkyViewer 22.0.0 in Interaxo Project , users will be able to try the new Filter tool in SkyViewer for dynamic parameter filtering on loaded models.
To use the tool, navigate to the Filter button in the upper left toolbar. A new panel will open with options to select or search a parameter and its values. The parameter and values list will show all data for all loaded models/versions.
The Filter panel will show the number of matching objects that were found.
NOTE! If any change has been made in the filter, make sure to click Apply.
Filtering also works for multiple parameters which can be added using the ‘Add parameter’ button. A new set of Parameter and Values field will be added.
To restore the isolation, open the Filter panel again and click on the Restore button.
Zoom speed Settings
Zoom speed is a new feature by SkyViewer that lets users choose the zooming speed they want, when navigating in the viewer.
To try it out, open the Settings menu from the bottom toolbar. The zoom speed setting ranges from 1-10 (Slow - Fast), where the speed 5 is the default, middle setting.
The lower speed works best when working inside a model, or for example a room and the faster settings are most useful when working with infrastructure models.
With the zooming speed, the rotation distance is also smaller, making it easier to rotate the camera and look around.
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