Distribution groups are created and maintained on community level by the Community Administrator.
As a Room Administrator you can add a distribution group to your room in order to populate your room with its members.
When adding a distribution group to a room, the Room Administrator have to assign a role to the group, i.e. one of Observer, Participant or Administrator, which the distribution group's members will inherit. When adding a distribution group as a subgroup to an existing room group, the distribution group's members will inherit the role from the parent room group.
Room members may be members of many groups in a room, both room groups and distribution groups. A user's resulting role in the room will be the least restrictive role assigned through his/her group memberships. The user's access rights to content is determined by the access control assigned to the content objects in question.
Available functionality
As a Room Administrator you can
- See the list of distribution groups added to a room, where
Distribution Groups are indicated with a globe icon in front of the Group name column - See distribution group members who have individual room memberships
(will remain room members if the distribution group is removed from the room) - Add a distribution group to a room in order to add all group members to the room
- Remove distribution groups from a room
- Make a distribution group a subgroup of room groups
- Remove a distribution group subgroup from room groups
- Share content with distribution groups
By using the Interaxo Project client, Room members can
- See the room member list with all distribution group members included on the Members tab
- Share content with distribution groups
Adding a Distribution Group to a room
Perform the following steps
- In the Administration client, select the Groups menu item for the room in question
- On the Add a distribution group pop-up form, select a Distribution Group from the drop-down
- Assign a role to the Distribution group in the room. Note that it's not possible to change the role of the Distribution group in the room after it has been created.
- Click the SUBMIT button
Removing a Distribution Group from a room
Perform the following steps:
- In the Administration client, select the Groups menu item for the room in question
- Check the Distribution Group in question in the list
- Click the REMOVE button
- Answer YES to the confirmation message Do you really want to remove the distribution group?
Add a Distribution Group as a subgroup of a room group
By making a Distribution Group a subgroup of a room group, the Distribution Group's members will inherit the role from the room group. This is done by performing the following steps:
- Open the room in question
- Select Groups from the room menu
- Open the room group in question by clicking it
- Select desired distribution group from the drop-down in the Subgroups section
- Click the SUBMIT button to save your changes
Remove a distribution group as a subgroup from a room group
- Open the room in question
- Select Groups from the room menu
- Click the room group in question in order to open it
- Identify the distribution group in question and click the corresponding REMOVE button in the Subgroups section
Click the SUBMIT button to save your changes
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